A study based on the perspective of the healthcare industry on the contribution of the medical device market and its significant growth to the Chinese economy
It's true that there's a rising interest in investing in China, but the medical device industry has been slow to expand. Despite this, the sector is gaining in significance as more people realize that investing in the health technology field, in comparison to a literature study, several papers give important information about China's medical device industry and investment climate. Investment in medical device technology and the market is a topic that is under-researched. Foreign investment theories are used to derive technology investment theories. Since the Chinese government pays more attention to healthcare than ever before, appropriate rules on medical device investment will become increasingly important for helping those that conduct business in the region. Business research in the future will increasingly focus on medical device investments. The medical device laws, notably the new Chinese medical device regulations, which came into force in 2014, received minimal attention.
That's why we're here to help you bridge that gap with our proposal, which aims to disclose the major drivers of the Chinese medical device industry, determine the viability of investments, and give some insights on Investors interested in joining the Chinese medical device industry might benefit from a comparison of the old and new medical device laws. Location quotient is used for the first time in the medical device industry study. Despite the fact that the Chinese medical device market is one of the most promising industries in the world, this study provides a large number of significant materials”
Medical Device Industry,
nvestmenIt Policies,
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PhD. Research Scholar in Medical Physiology, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Professor in Lincoln University College, Malaysia
How to Cite
ZHENFANG, C. ., & AIDAHJUMUDDIN, D. F. . (2024). A study based on the perspective of the healthcare industry on the contribution of the medical device market and its significant growth to the Chinese economy. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from https://www.ijmras.com/index.php/ijmras/article/view/686