Increased national competition in the global economy boosts the need for highly qualified people within the context of globalisation. Higher education in particular has emerged as a potent source of national competitive advantage. IHE is a by-product of globalisation that has helped speed up the process of globalisation. As a result, IHE has become a nationally recognised leader in the expansion of higher education. China's reliance on globalisation increased as the country developed.
Internally and externally, the IHE plays a crucial role in China's economic growth, soft power in Asia, and links with the West.
Very few researches have focused on China's IHE and ISM, especially the inward ISM. The topic of this article is one I explore in my study of ISM in China. By combining national and institutional perspectives with the first-hand accounts of international students, this research offers the Chinese government, universities, and policy makers valuable information for improving the country's internal ISM policies.
Because of my studies, we can evaluate the ISM phenomenon in China in relation to the OECD countries, which have received far more attention. IHE and ISM in China may be evaluated by comparing it to the practises of more traditional host countries, such the West.
Higher Education,
Competitive Advantage
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PhD. Research Scholar in Education, Lincoln University College Malaysia
Professor in Lincoln University College Malaysia
How to Cite
CHENG LE, C. L., & AGARWAL , D. N. . (2024). Examining the guidelines and directives issued by the Chinese government for enlisting and aiding foreign students. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from