volume 07 issue 02

To understand why coronary heart disease is more common in people with diabetes, we need to thoroughly investigate how oxidized LDL from various subgroups affects endothelium-dependent relaxation.


There will be no Apolipoprotein B in this study, and the possibility of a second coronary ischemia event will not be taken into account because it is a case control study and the atorvastatin dosage will not be increased to the maximum effective dose. The term "low density cholesterol" refers to a metric, but the low-density cholesterol particle will not be precisely measured.

  • Cholesterol,
  • Control Study,
  • Effective Dose
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How to Cite

XIONGZIZENG, X., & DR. SURIYAKALA, D. S. (2024). To understand why coronary heart disease is more common in people with diabetes, we need to thoroughly investigate how oxidized LDL from various subgroups affects endothelium-dependent relaxation. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(02), 80–86. Retrieved from

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