Many people have been interested in China's haze pollution as a result of the damage it does to people's vision, the health of the general population, and climate "attention (M. Gao et al., 2015; R. J. Huang et al., 2014). A pervasive and severe haze has settled over central and eastern China for an extended period of time "It was observed that a phenomenon took place. During this time, PM2.5 concentrations reached as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic metre in the city of Beijing's most polluted neighbourhoods "period (J. K. Zhang et al., 2014). In the last six decades, this particular month in Beijing has been the one with the most smog (Y. Gao et al., 2015; L. T. Wang et al., 2014). High emissions of primary air pollutants, stagnant weather, regional pollution transport, and fast gas-to-particle transformation have all been implicated as the primary causes of this event, according to a number of "field experiments and modelling studies that have been conducted to investigate the mechanism of this event " ("Sun et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014a; Wang et al., 2014b; J. K. Zhang et al., 2014; B. Zheng et al., 2015; G. J. Zheng et al., 2015"). Over the past three decades, there has been a significant increase in urbanisation and industrial activity in NCP, which has resulted in extremely high levels of air pollution. On the eastern half of the continent, a feeble East Asian winter monsoon is expected "In China in January 2013, which hampered convection and increased water vapour (R. H. Zhang et al., 2014). In a stagnant and wet atmosphere, primary gaseous pollutants quickly transformed into aerosols, which is assumed to be the internal cause of the increase in PM2.5 levels " (Wang et al., 2014a). During hazy days, the percentage of sulphate that is included in PM2.5 rises from 13 to 25 per cent (Quan et" al., 2014).
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Phd. Research Scholar in Engineering, Lincoln University College Malaysia
Phd. Research Scholar in Engineering, Lincoln University College Malaysia
Professor in Lincoln University College Malaysia
How to Cite
XUEFENG, X., CHE ANI, D. Y. ., & INAMDAR, D. M. N. . (2024). Improving Our Understanding of North China Plain Haze Emissions through Atmospheric Modelling and Data Integration. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from