The purpose of this chapter is to provide context for the subsequent analysis of the two chosen autobiographies by providing a brief historical overview of the genesis and development of autobiography in Europe and India. In addition to this, it provides a concise analysis of the idea behind autobiography as a literary form. It is remarkable that there is not already a sufficient theory of autobiography written down in the form of books like there is for other types of creative works such as novels, short stories, comedies, one-act plays, and so on. The concept and theoretical study of the autobiographical form, on the other hand, is a meager material presented in a stray and dispersed manner. However, in Dr. M. M. Kanwadkar's Ph.D. thesis, he made an attempt to gather and arrange such data in order to develop an acceptable theory of the form of autobiography. This was done in an effort to construct an acceptable theory of the form of autobiography. The theory of autobiography that is going to be covered in this chapter adheres very closely to this generally accepted notion.
The creative literary skill of autobiography is extremely unique and uncommon. The human need to maintain one's monument throughout the course of time was the impetus behind its establishment. Autobiography is a very new literary genre, and the name "autobiography" wasn't used until 1809 when it was published for the first time in the English magazine Quarterly Review by the poet Robert Southey.
Robert Southey,
Dr. Patel Amrita, A Lover of Light among Luminaries, Dilipkmar Ray, Published by Dr. Jitendra B. Shah, Director, L. D. Institute of Indology Ahmedabad, Printed by Navbharat Printing Press, L. D. Series, March 2002.
Bhatnagar Manmohan K., Rajeshwar M, Indian Writing in English Volume 3, New Delhi, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 1999.
Dodia Jaydipsinh K., The Fiction of Shobha De – Critical Studies, New Delhi, Prestige Books In Association with Saurashtra University, 2000.
Pragati English Journal, Edited by Pragati Educational Council, Jalandhar, vol. 10, December 2009.
Sinroja Amee, Studying Autobiographies, a critical study, Creative Books, New Delhi, 2009.
James Olney, Ed. Autobiography: Essays theoretical & Critical, Princeton: Princeton university press, 1980
Harish Ranjana, Indian Women’s Autobiographies, New Delhi, Arnold Publishers, 1994.
Mishra Shashi Bhushan, Autobiography in Indian Writing in English, Delhi, Adhyayan Publisher & Distributors, 2004.
Dodiya Jaydipsinh Ed. Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English (New Delhi Sarup and Sons Publishers, 2006).
M.M. Kanwadkar, A Critical Study of Autobiographies In English by Indian Women, Ph.D. Thesis (Shivaji Univ. Kolhapur, 1995).
Studies in Autobiography, ed. James Olney, 1st ed. (New York / Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1988).
Roy Pscal, Design and Truth in Autobiography, (London : Routledge and Kegon Paul, 1960) P. 21
Lexicon Universal Encyclopaedia, Vol. 16 Lexicon Publications Inc. New York 14, P. 355.
M.K. Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth (Ahmedabad, Navjeevan Publishing House, 1927) PP.
William Walse, Indian Literature in English (London: Longmah, 1990) P. 39.
Webster’s World University Dictionary (Illustrated Encyclopedic edition), (Washington: Lewis Mulford Adams and others, publishers Co. Ltd., 1965),). 75.
J.A. Cudden, A Dictionary of Literary Terms (New Delhi India Book Co. 1977), P. 61.
Harry shaw, Dictionary of Literary Terms (New York / New Delhi: Mac Graw a Hill and Co. 1972), P. 39.
Khushboo Kumari
University Department of ENGLISH’ B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, India.
How to Cite
Khushboo Kumari. (2021). A STUDY OF SELECTED INDIAN WOMEN’S ENGLISH AUTOBIOGRAPHIES. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 4(04), 01–16. Retrieved from