volume 07  issue 03

The influence of humble leadership on employees’ proactive behavior in chain hotels: The influence of humble leadership on employees’ proactive behavior in chain hotels


 In recent years, humble leadership has gained popularity. Researchers and managers respect humble leaders, especially in today's fast-paced economic world. There is little theoretical and empirical research on small leadership's effectiveness. Leadership style strongly affects employees' behavior. Humble leaders—self-aware, open to feedback, and appreciative—improve staff performance, according to research. Research shows humble leadership boosts employee engagement and satisfaction. The effectiveness of modest leadership in fostering proactive employee behavior needs further study. This literature study examines how humble leadership styles effect hotel chain employees' initiative. Conscientiousness moderates modest leadership and proactive activities, according to research. Researchers found that conscientiousness boosted modest leadership's effect on proactive behavior across cultures. Conscientiousness mediates modest leadership and proactive action. Modest leadership supported proactive activities because conscientiousness buffered the interaction. When leaders displayed humility by applauding coworkers' talents and accomplishments, staff, especially conscientious ones, felt more faith in their own abilities. Companies that respect conscientiousness as a cultural characteristic are more likely to link humble leadership and proactive actions. Humble leaders' styles may impact conscientiousness' moderating effect.

  • Humble Leadership,
  • Employees’ Proactive Behavior,
  • Chain Hotels
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How to Cite

LIUQIN, L., FORBIS AHAMED, F. A., & OOI BOON KEAT, O. B. K. (2024). The influence of humble leadership on employees’ proactive behavior in chain hotels: The influence of humble leadership on employees’ proactive behavior in chain hotels. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(03), 15–32.

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