volume 07 issue 01

A comprehensive assessment of the minimization of differences in Chinese and English factors impacting the general positive translation quality and its relation to the language's cultural sensitivity


Translation is essential to effective intercultural communication because it enables meaning to be communicated across a variety of languages and cultural contexts. People of various countries and speaking different languages are unable to successfully interact with one another, which might have devastating consequences for both parties. The process of translating has an effect on people's day-to-day lives as well as the manner in which people connect with one another around the world. Those who have an interest in this field ought to take note of the findings of this study. This research not only enlightens those individuals who are not familiar with translation but also captures their interest. This material might be useful for educators as well as businesses that have an interest in enhancing the education and capabilities of professional translators. It is hoped that this campaign would increase awareness about the responsibility of the translator to offer correct translations and the ways in which they could perform this obligation more effectively in the future.

  • Intercultural Communication,
  • Professional Translators,
  • Translators
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How to Cite

JIANG CUI, J. C., DR. LUBNA ALI, D. L. A., & DR. VELVIZHI, D. V. (2024). A comprehensive assessment of the minimization of differences in Chinese and English factors impacting the general positive translation quality and its relation to the language’s cultural sensitivity. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from

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