volume 07 issue 01

The Internet Autonomous System's implementation Categorization of Internet Autonomous Systems' Topology


Although the Internet has been researched since its inception, academics didn't start paying much attention to its growth and change until the mid-1990s, when it became economically viable in the United States. To begin with, it was Govindan and Reddy [16] who originally defined an AS-level graph. The graph was shown as a set of nodes and linkages, with the nodes representing individual Internet domains. They found that even though the Internet has expanded greatly, the degree and route dispersion have not changed from pre-boom levels. However, in their seminal study [17], Faloutsos et al. introduced the term Internet topology. If the data from the BGP monitor was trustworthy and thorough enough, the researchers concluded that it allowed for the first full look at the AS topology. What they observed was that the distribution of AS degrees followed a simple power formula. Academic interest in Internet topology and data collection methods, graph construction, and graph approaches and analysis has increased since the publication of this influential study [18].

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How to Cite

YUANQING, C. ., & MIDHUNCHAKKARAVARTHY, D. M. (2024). The Internet Autonomous System’s implementation Categorization of Internet Autonomous Systems’ Topology. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from

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